从业17年 专职律师

涉外劳工常见问题分析和回答 Questions and Answers for Foreign Employment

Question 1:



1. What is foreign employment in China?

2. What is illegal foreign employment?

Answer 1:






1. The employment of foreigners in China refers to the behaviors of foreigners who have not obtained the right of settlement to engage in social work and obtain remuneration in accordance with the law in China.

2. A foreigner who commits one of the following acts shall be regarded as illegal employment:

(1) Working in China without obtaining a work permit or work residence certificate in accordance with relevant regulations;

(2) Working in China beyond the scope of work permit;

(3) Foreign students who violate the regulations on the administration of work study program and work in China beyond the prescribed post scope or time limit.

Q2: 外国人在中国合法就业需要哪些证件?What documents do foreigners need for legal employment in China?

A2: 在中国就业的外国人应持Z字签证入境(有互免签证协议的,按协议办理),入境后取得《外国人就业证》和外国人居留证件,方可在中国境内就业。

Foreigners who are employed in China should enter China with Z-visa (if there is an agreement on mutual visa exemption, it shall be handled according to the agreement). After entering China, they can obtain the employment certificate for foreigners and residence certificate for foreigners before they can work in China.

Q3: 什么情况下,外国人可免办就业许可和就业证?Under what circumstances can foreigners be exempted from employment permits and employment permits?





(1) Foreign special technical and management personnel directly funded by the Chinese government, or foreign special technical and management personnel funded by state organs and institutions, with senior technical titles or special skills qualification certificates confirmed by domestic or international authoritative technical management departments or industry associations, and holding foreign expert certificate issued by foreign expert bureau ;

(2) Foreign workers who are engaged in offshore oil operations without landing and have special skills with the permit for foreigners to engage in offshore oil operations in the people's Republic of China;

(3) Foreigners who have been approved by the Ministry of culture to carry out commercial artistic performances with a temporary business performance license.

Q4: 外国人办理“工作许可证”和“居留证”的流程?What are the procedures for foreigners to apply for "work permit" and "residence permit"?


1. 首先申请办理《外国人工作许可通知》。

2. 在获得《外国人工作许可通知》后,无需被授权单位通知函,直接持有效护照或证件至驻外使、领馆办理Z字签证。

3. 被聘用的外国人入境后十五日内,持《外国人工作许可通知》、劳动合同及其有效护照办理《外国人工作许可证》。

4. 已办理《外国人工作许可证》的外国人,在入境后三十日内,持许可证到公安机关申请办理居留证。

1. First, apply for the notice of foreigner's work permit.

2. After obtaining the notice of foreigner's work permit, visa Z can be directly applied for by holding valid passport or certificate to embassies and consulates abroad without notice from authorized units.

3. Within 15 days after entry, the employed foreigner shall apply for the foreigner's work permit with the notice of foreigner's work permit, labor contract and valid passport.

4. Foreigners who have already applied for work permit for foreigners shall apply for residence permit at the public security organ with the permit within 30 days after entering the country.

Q5: 外国人、无国籍人未依法取得就业证件即与内地用人单位签订劳动合同,劳动关系合法吗?Is it legal for foreigners and stateless persons to sign labor contracts with mainland employers, even without obtaining employment certificates?

A5: 当事人请求确认与用人单位存在劳动关系的,人民法院不予支持。The people's court will not support the party's request for confirmation of labor relationship with the employer.

Q6: 个体经济组织和公民个人聘用外国人合法吗?Is it legal for individual economic organizations and individual citizens to employ foreigners?

A6: 不合法。It is illegal.

Q7: 用人单位与被聘用的外国人应依法订立劳动合同的期限最长是多久?What is the longest time limit for an employer to establish a labor contract with an employed foreigner in accordance with the law?

A7: 劳动合同的期限最长不得超过五年。劳动合同期限届满即行终止。The maximum term of a labor contract shall not exceed five years. The labor contract shall be terminated upon its expiration.

Q8: 用人单位与被聘用的外国人如何续订劳动合同?How does the employer renew the labor contract with the employed foreigner?

A8: 用人单位应在原合同期满前三十日内,向劳动行政部门提出延长聘用时间的申请,经批准并办理就业证延期手续,并在十日内到当地公安机关办理居留证件延期或变更手续,可以续订劳动合同。

The employer shall, within 30 days before the expiration of the original contract, apply to the labor administrative department for extension of employment time. After approval, the employer shall go through the formalities for extension of employment permit, and go through the formalities for extension or change of residence permit in the local public security organ within 10 days. Afterwards, the employer may renew the labor contract.

Q9: 被聘用的外国人与用人单位的劳动合同被解除后,用人单位应当如何处理? After the employment contract between the employed foreigner and the employer is terminated, what should the employer do?

A9: 用人单位应及时报告劳动、公安部门,交还该外国人的就业证和居留证件,并到公安机关办理出境手续。The employer shall report to the labor and public security departments in time, return the foreigner's employment and residence certificates, and go through the exit formalities at the public security organs.




1. What should be done if a foreigner changes his employer within the area specified by the license issuing authority but still engages in his original occupation?

2. How to deal with foreigners who leave the area specified by the license issuing authority for employment or change their employers in the original area and engage in different occupations?




1. If a foreigner changes his employer within the area specified by the license issuing organ but still engages in his original occupation, he shall obtain the approval of the original license issuing organ and go through the formalities for changing his employment certificate.

2. If a foreigner leaves the area specified by the license issuing organ for employment or changes his employer in the original area and engages in different occupations, he shall go through the employment permit procedures again.

Q11: 外国人在中国境内就业的,应当参加社会保险吗?Should foreigners employed in China particpate in social insurance?




1. Enterprises, institutions, social organizations, private non-enterprise units, foundations, law firms, accounting firms and other organizations (employing units) registered or registered in China according to law shall participate in social insurance according to law.

2. Foreigners who are dispatched to work in branches or representative offices (domestic work units) registered or registered in China after signing employment contracts with overseas employers shall participate in social insurance according to law.

Q12: 如何办理外国人的社会保险登记?How to register the social insurance of foreigners?





1. If an employing unit recruits foreigners, it shall register social insurance for them within 30 days from the date of applying for employment certificates.

2. Foreigners dispatched by foreign employers to work in domestic work units shall be registered for social insurance by domestic work units in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

3. Institutions handling employment certificates for foreigners in accordance with the law shall promptly inform the local social insurance agencies of the relevant information on foreigners' employment in China. Social insurance agencies shall regularly inquire the relevant institutions about the employment certificates of foreigners.

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