从业24年 专职律师

涉外婚姻的常见问题分析解答 Questions and Answers for Foreign-Related Marraige

Question 1:


Can the husband and wife in a foreign-related marriage choose the applicable law of the property relationship by agreement?


If there is no choice, how to determine the applicable law of property relations?

Answer 1:



1. In the property relationship between husband and wife, the parties may choose by agreement to apply the law of one party's habitual residence, the law of the country of nationality or the law of the place where the main property is located.

2. If the parties have no choice, the law of the common habitual residence shall apply; if there is no common habitual residence, the law of the state of common nationality shall apply

Q2: 涉外父母子女人身、财产关系,适用哪种法律?What kind of law is applicable to the personal and property relations of foreign parents and children?

A2: 涉外父母子女人身、财产关系,适用共同经常居所地法律;没有共同经常居所地的,适用一方当事人经常居所地法律或者国籍国法律中有利于保护弱者权益的法律。

The law of the common habitual residence shall apply to the personal and property relations of foreign-related parents and children; if there is no common habitual residence, the law of the habitual residence of one party or the law of the country of nationality that is conducive to the protection of the rights and interests of the weak shall apply.




1. Is it legal for foreign marriage agencies in China?

2. Is it legal for TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and other news media to broadcast or publish foreign marriage advertisements?






1. It is strictly forbidden to set up foreign marriage agencies.

Domestic marriage agencies and any other units are not allowed to engage in foreign-related marriage introduction business or in disguised form.

No individual is allowed to engage in foreign marriage introduction activities by deception or for the purpose of making profits.

2. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and other news media are not allowed to broadcast or publish foreign marriage advertisements. No other unit or individual is allowed to post or distribute such advertisements.

Q4: 一方是内地居民,一方是华侨或外国人,离婚登记需要准备哪些证件和证明材料?One is a mainland resident, the other is an overseas Chinese or foreigner. What documents and supporting materials should be prepared for divorce registration?










1. Mainland residents provide:

(1) My household register and ID card;

(2) My marriage certificate;

(3) The divorce agreement signed by both parties is in triplicate.

2. Oversea Chinese and foreigners provide:

(1) My valid passport or other valid international travel documents;

(2) My marriage certificate;

(3) The divorce agreement signed by both parties is in triplicate.

Q5: 什么是法律上的“离婚冷静期”?有多长时间?夫妻双方可以约定“离婚冷静期”吗?“离婚冷静期”过后,夫妻双方没有申请离婚,该如何处理?

What is the legal "divorce cooling-off period"? How long does it take? Can husband and wife agree on a "cooling-off period for divorce"? After the "divorce cooling-off period", what will happen if the couple do not apply for a divorce?





1. "The party who is not willing to withdraw the divorce application from the divorce registration authority within 30 days" means that the party who is not willing to withdraw the divorce application from the divorce registration authority.

2. The legal time limit of "divorce cooling-off period" is 30 days, and the husband and wife shall not extend, reduce or terminate the "divorce cooling-off period".

3. If the application for divorce has not been withdrawn within 30 days after the expiration of the time limit, it shall be deemed that both parties have not applied for divorce in person.

Q6: 离婚时双方设定“冷静期”,即双方冷静一段时间后再复婚。为了确保未来顺利复婚,并且双方书面约定,“如果一方反悔,应当赔偿另外一方10万元损失费。”该协议有效吗?

During the divorce, both parties argee to set up a "cooling-off period", that is, both parties will calm down for a period of time and then remarry each other. In order to ensure a smooth remarriage in the future, and both parties agreed in writing, "if one party regrets, it should compensate the other party 100000 yuan for the loss." Is the agreement valid?

A6: 无效。复婚也属于结婚,必须遵从自愿原则。任何违反婚姻自由原则的约定皆属无效。

Invalid. Remarriage is also a kind of marriage, which must comply with the principle of voluntariness. Any agreement that violates the principle of freedom of marriage is invalid.

Q7: 什么是自然人的经常居所地?What is a natural person's habitual residence?

A7: 主要是以自然人生活时间长度为判断,简单说,以最后事件发生为节点,向前推算一年,如果在这个事件发生的地方连续居住一年以上,并且生活重心都在这个地方,就可以认定为经常居所地,但就医、劳务派遣、公务等情形除外。

It is mainly judged by the length of life of a natural person. To put it simply, take the occurrence of the last event as the node, and calculate one year forward. If you live in the place where the event happened for more than one year continuously, and the focus of life is in this place, you can be identified as the place of regular residence, except for medical treatment, labor dispatch, official business and other situations.




1. Can husband and wife choose the applicable law by agreement?

2. If there is no choice, how to determine the applicable law?







1. In the case of divorce by agreement, the parties may choose to apply the law of one party's habitual residence or the law of the country of nationality by agreement.

2. If the parties have no choice,

(1) Applying the law of common habitual residence;

(2) If there is no common habitual residence, the law of the state of common nationality shall apply;

(3) If there is no common nationality, the law of the place where the institution handling divorce procedures is located shall apply.

Q9: 离婚诉讼经常涉及到的案件类型(案由)有哪些?What are the types (causes) of divorce cases?














The types of cases include:

(1) Marital property disputes

(2) Marital property agreement dispute

(3) Divorce dispute

(4) Property disputes after divorce

(5) Dispute on liability for damages after divorce

(6) Alimony dispute

(7) Dispute over change of foster relationship

(8) Disputes over alimony

(9) Disputes over the change of maintenance relationship

(10) Custody dispute

(11) The dispute of visitation right

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