

2019-06-20 07:21
本地律师团队 · 24小时在线
  •   Invoicing 开发票

      T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇

      A/C Account 帐户

      Appreciate 升值

      Depreciate 贬值

      Ditto/Do 同上

      Credit Note 贷方通知单

      Debit Note 借方通知单

      Financial Responsibilities 财务责任

      Capital Budget 资金预算

      Cash Flow 流动资金

      Balance Sheet 资产负债表

      Statement of Account 对帐单

      Amount Receivable 应收款

      Account Payable 应付款

      Accounting Dept。 财务处/会计科

      CUR Currency 货币

      PRO FORMA INVOICE An invoice composed in lieu of original invoice (代发票)

      Consular Invoice 领事发票

      Documentary Credit 单证信誉

      ALL RISKS (War,Strike,Riot,Mob not included) 全险(综合险)

      POLICY 保单

      Insurance Premium 保费

      We usually effect insurance for 110% of invoice value. (货运险)按发票金额的110%投保

      The insurance value is calculated as : 投保金额计算方法

      Costs of goods + amount of freight + insurance premium +

      a percentage of profit on the sale of goods

      the extra premium 其它险种保费

      VOYAGE POLICY 航次保单

      THE HAGUE RULES 海牙规则

      Less risk of damage 受损风险小

      Case 案例

      Complaint 投诉

      Justified / unjustified complaint 合理/不合理投诉

      Dispute 争议

      Surveyor 检验师

      Cargo Surveyor 商检员/师

      Surveyors Report 检验报告

      Be (not)liable for the damage (不)对货损负责

      The damage was obviously attributed to defective packing。 显然是因包装而造成货损

      Endorse 背书

      Liquidated Damage 违约赔偿金

      Claim 索赔

      Claimant 提赔方(人)

      Irrespective of the result 不论结果如何

      Within time limit 在规定期限内

      Penalty 处罚

      High fines 重罚

      To be found short (missing/damaged) 短缺(灭失/受损)

      Final settlement of a claim 最终结案

      Financial capabilities 财力

      Payment will be made by 8 quarterly installments 每季度付一次,8期付清

      though the grand total was correct 虽说总计数没错

      Confidential 保密

      IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织

      IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

      The IMO recommendations for the carriage of

      dangerous goods by sea 国际海事组织危险品编码

      Incoterms a set of uniform rules codifying the interpretation

      of trade terms defining the rights and obligation

      of both buyer and seller 国际贸易术语解释通则

      To recognize the validity of the comments 注意到这些说法的合理性

      ECU European Currency Units。A financial unit used for EC accounting 欧元单位

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