

2019-06-20 03:57
导读: 首要条款Paramountclause精练油Clean(petroleum)products清洁货舱Cleantheholds(to)截至日Closingdate封航Closureofnavigation折叠式板架集装箱
  •   首要条款 Paramount clause
      精练油 Clean (petroleum ) products
      清洁货舱 Clean the holds (to)
      截至日 Closing date
      封航 Closure of navigation
      折叠式板架集装箱 Collapsible flattrack
      全拆装 Completely knocked down (CKD)
      强制引航 Compulsory pilotage
      公会 Conference
      拥挤 Congestion
      拥挤费 Congestion surcharge
      集装箱/滚装两用船 Con-ro ship
      连续航程 Consecutive voyages
      托运 Consign
      收货人 Consignee
      发货人 Consignor
      托运;托运的货物 Consignment
      拼箱 Consolidation (groupage)
      联营 Consortium
      常数 Constants
      集装箱驳船 Container barge
      集装箱租赁 Container leasing
      集装箱化 Containerization
      已装箱的,已集装箱化的 Containerised
      集装箱船 Containership
      货物污染 Contamination (of cargo )
      分摊价值 Contributory value
      传送带 Conveyor belt
      集装箱(角件) Corner casting (fitting)
      集装箱(角柱) Corner post
      起重机 Crane
      履带式(轨道式)起重机 Crawler mounted crane
      港口惯例 Custom of the port (COP)
      惯常协助 Customary assistance
      日常营运成本 Daily running cost
      亏舱费 Deadfreight
      重量货 Deadweight (weight) cargo
      载货量 Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity
      载重图表 Deaiweight scale
      甲板货 Deck cargo
      交货(交船) Delivery of cargo (a ship)
      速遣费 Despatch or Despatch money
      卸集装箱 Destuff
      挪威船级社 Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.)
      绕航 Deviation
      (车船)直卸 Direct discharge
      直接转船 Direct transshipment
      原油 Dirty(Black) (petroleum) products ( D.P.P.)
      港口开支 Disbursements
      卸货港 Discharging port
      二船东 Disponent owner
      船坞 Dock
      码头工人 Docker
      门到门运输 Door to door
      (设备)故障时间 Downtime
      吃水;水深 Draft (draught)
      吃水限制 Draft limitation
      引航员下船时 Dropping outward pilot (D.O.P.)
      干货 Dry cargo
      干货集装箱 Dry cargo(freight) container
      干船坞 Dry dock
      速遣费为滞期费的一半 Demurrage half despatch (D1/2D)
      二级水手 Efficient deck hand (E.D.H.)
      卸货机 Elevator
      申请船舶进港(出港) Enter a ship inwards (outwards)
      保税货 Entrepot
      设备(常指集装箱) Equipment
      设备使用费 Equipment handover charge
      预计到达时间 Estimated time of arrival ( ETA)
      预计完成时间 Estimated time of completion (ETC)
      预计离港时间 Estimated time of departure (ETD)
      预计准备就绪时间 Estimated time of readiness (ETR)
      预计航行时间 Estimated time of sailing (ETS)
      欧式托盘 Europallet
      即使使用 Even if used (E.I.U.)
      除外期间 Excepted period
      异议 Exception
      免责条款 Exceptions clause
      溢卸 Excess landing
      装卸欺瞒 Expiry of laytime
      延长诉讼时间 Extend suit time
      延长租期 Extend a charter
      租期延长 Extension of a charter
      诉讼时间延长 Extension to suit time
      最大宽度 Extreme breadth
      航道 Fairway
      支线运输服务 Feeder service
      支线船 Feeder ship
      渡轮 Ferry
      一级船 First class ship
      方便旗船 Flag of convenience (FOC)
      浮吊 Floating crane
      浮坞 Floating dock
      不可抗力 Force majeure
      铲车 Fork-lift truck
      四十英尺集装箱换算单位 Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU)
      四边开槽托盘 Four-way pallet
      千 Freeboard
      包干运费 Freight all kinds (FAK)
      揽货员 Freight canvasser
      运费到付 Freight collect (freight payable at destination)
      运费预付 Freight prepaid
      运费报价 Freight quotation
      运费率 Freight rate (rate of freight)
      运费费率表 Freight tariff
      运费吨 Freight ton (FT)
      运费舱单 Freight manifest
      货船 Freighter
      淡水载重线 Fresh water load line
      星期五和节假日除外 Fridays and holidays excepted (F.H.E.X .)
      满舱满载货 Full and complete cargo
      满舱满载 Full and down
      门式起重机(门吊) Gantry crane
      金康航次租船合同 Gencon
      共同海损 General average
      共同海损行为 General average act
      共同海损分摊 General average contribution
      共同海损牺牲 General average sacrifice
      杂货 General cargo (generals)
      多用途集装箱 General purpose container
      地理顺序 Geographical rotation
      德国船级社 Germanischer Lloyd (G.L.)
      格林威治时间 Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.)
      抓斗起重机 Grabbing crane
      散装舱容 Grain or grain capacity
      毛重 Gross weight(GW)
      触底 Grounding
      麻袋 Gunny bag
      麻垫 Gunny matting [page]
      海牙规则 Hague Rules
      海牙维斯比规则 Hague-Visby Rules
      汉堡规则 Hamburg Rules
      手钩 Hand hook
      杂散货船 Handymax
      小型散货船 Handy-sized bulker
      海港 Harbour
      港务费 Harbour dues
      舱盖 Hatch (hatch cover)
      舱口 Hatchway
      主租船合同 Head charter (charter party)
      主租船人 Head charterer
      超重货物 Heavy lift
      超重附加费 Heavy lift additional (surcharge)
      重型吊杆 Heavy lift derrick
      恶劣天气 Heavy weather
      重油 Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O)
      租金单 Hire statement
      船舱 Hold
      船籍港 Home port
      同种货物 Homogeneous cargo
      吊钩 Hook
      漏斗 Hopper
      运输代理行提单 House Bill of Lading
      气垫船 Hovercraft
      维修 Husbandry
      内陆集装箱 Inland container depot
      破冰船 Ice-breaker
      承运人责任条款 Identity of carrier clause
      (船舶、设备)闲置 Idle
      直接回扣 Immediate rebate

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