

2019-06-20 01:07
导读: 注册(容积)总吨GrossRegisteredTonnage(GRT)注册(容积)净吨NetRegisteredTonnage(NRT)总载重吨位(量)DeadweightTonnage(AllTold)(DWTorD.W
  •   注册(容积)总吨 Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT)
      注册(容积)净吨 Net Registered Tonnage (NRT)
      总载重吨位(量) Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T)
      总载重吨位 Gross Dead Weight Tonnage
      净载重吨 Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT)
      轻排水量 Light Displacement
      满载排水量 Load (Loaded)Displacement
      实际排水量 Actual Displacement
      超重附加费 Over weight surcharge
      燃油附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS)
      港口附加费 Port Surcharge
      港口拥挤附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge
      货币贬值附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF)
      绕航附加费 Deviation surcharge
      直航附加费 Direct Additional
      选卸港附加费 Additional for Optional Destination
      变更卸货港附加费 Additional for Alteration of Destination
      熏蒸费 Fumigation Charge
      提单 Bill of Lading
      已装船提单 On Board (Shipped) B/L
      备运(收妥待运)提单 Received for shipment B/L
      记名提单 Named B/L
      不记名提单 Bearer B/L
      指示提单 Order B/L
      空白备书 Blank Endorsement
      清洁提单 Clean B/L
      外表状况良好 In apparent good order and condition
      不清洁提单 Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L
      直航提单 Direct B/L
      转船提单 Transshipment B/L
      联运提单 Through B/L
      多式联运提单 Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L
      全式提单 Long Form B/L
      简式提单 Short Form B/L
      倒签提单 Anti-dated B/L
      预借提单 Advanced B/L
      过期提单 Stale B/L
      甲板货提单 On Deck B/L
      租约项下提单 Charter Party B/L
      运输代理行提单 House B/L
      船舶适航 Seaworthiness
      租船合同(租约) Charter Party ( C/P)
      航次租船合同 Voyage charter party
      定期租船合同 Time Charter Party
      光船租船合同 Bareboat (demise) Charter Party
      公共承运人 Common carrier
      私人承运人 Private carrier
      单航次租船合同 Single trip C/P
      连续单航次租船合同 Consecutive single trip C/P
      往返航次租船合同 Return trip C/P
      包运合同 Contract of Affreightment (COA)
      航次期租合同 Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis
      租船确认书 Fixture Note
      船方不负责装费 Free In (FI)
      船方不负责卸费 Free Out (FO)
      船方不负责装卸费 Free In and Out (FIO)
      船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费 Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST)
      宣载通知书 Declaration of ship's Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo
      垫舱和隔舱物料 Dunnage and separations
      整船包价运费 Lump-sum freight 注册(容积)总吨 Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT)
      注册(容积)净吨 Net Registered Tonnage (NRT)
      总载重吨位(量) Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T)
      总载重吨位 Gross Dead Weight Tonnage
      净载重吨 Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT)
      轻排水量 Light Displacement
      满载排水量 Load (Loaded)Displacement
      实际排水量 Actual Displacement
      超重附加费 Over weight surcharge
      燃油附加费 Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS)
      港口附加费 Port Surcharge
      港口拥挤附加费 Port Congestion Surcharge
      货币贬值附加费 Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF)
      绕航附加费 Deviation surcharge
      直航附加费 Direct Additional
      选卸港附加费 Additional for Optional Destination
      变更卸货港附加费 Additional for Alteration of Destination
      熏蒸费 Fumigation Charge
      提单 Bill of Lading
      已装船提单 On Board (Shipped) B/L
      备运(收妥待运)提单 Received for shipment B/L
      记名提单 Named B/L
      不记名提单 Bearer B/L
      指示提单 Order B/L
      空白备书 Blank Endorsement
      清洁提单 Clean B/L
      外表状况良好 In apparent good order and condition
      不清洁提单 Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L
      直航提单 Direct B/L
      转船提单 Transshipment B/L
      联运提单 Through B/L
      多式联运提单 Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L
      全式提单 Long Form B/L
      简式提单 Short Form B/L
      倒签提单 Anti-dated B/L
      预借提单 Advanced B/L
      过期提单 Stale B/L
      甲板货提单 On Deck B/L
      租约项下提单 Charter Party B/L
      运输代理行提单 House B/L
      船舶适航 Seaworthiness
      租船合同(租约) Charter Party ( C/P)
      航次租船合同 Voyage charter party
      定期租船合同 Time Charter Party
      光船租船合同 Bareboat (demise) Charter Party
      公共承运人 Common carrier
      私人承运人 Private carrier
      单航次租船合同 Single trip C/P
      连续单航次租船合同 Consecutive single trip C/P
      往返航次租船合同 Return trip C/P
      包运合同 Contract of Affreightment (COA)
      航次期租合同 Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis
      租船确认书 Fixture Note [page]
      船方不负责装费 Free In (FI)
      船方不负责卸费 Free Out (FO)
      船方不负责装卸费 Free In and Out (FIO)

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