

2019-09-08 18:55
导读: 7.2重量检验7.2WeightInspection根据实际到货情况,CIQ将采用逐包过重或用地衡以一个集装箱为单位过重,出具重量检验证书,按实际净重结算。Inaccordancewiththeactualdeliverycircumstance,CIQwillscaletheweightofeachbaleorweighbycontaine

7.2 重量检验
7.2 Weight Inspection
In accordance with the actual delivery circumstance, CIQ will scale the weight of each bale or weigh by container with land scale, issue the weight inspection certificate and make the settlement by actual net weight.
Tare Weight: in accordance with the quantity and package type, CIQ will sample(1-5)% bales from each lot of cotton and compute the average tare weight by weighted average. And calibrate the net weight upon arrival at the port based on the actual average tare weight.
Both the Seller and the Buyer may assign representatives (with a power of attorney) to the site for the purposes of observing the weighing and sampling process, and the Seller shall notify the Buyer of the same prior to the goods arriving at the destination, and the Buyer shall provide necessary assistance.
7.3Quality Inspection
Sampling: grade and staple: 10% to be sampled at random for each lot of bales; micronaire and strength: one half of the 10% is to be sampled at random for each bunch of bales.
Inspection method: combined equipment testing with sensory evaluation; where there is any dispute, the outcome of sensory evaluation shall prevail.
No weight re-inspections. If the applicant has objections to the CIQ quality inspection result, such applicant may apply for a re-inspection with the CIQ that renders the inspection result or with the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine within 15 days after the receipt of the inspection result. The re-inspection will only be conducted to the sampled samples and the re-inspection result shall be final.
8 Price Deduction for Upland Cotton Inferior Quality Grade (% of the contract unit price)
Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, the provisions hereinafter shall apply:
8.1? Price Deduction due to Inferior Quality Grade
8.1.1?In terms of Contract provided in USDA Universal Standards:
GM?---, SM?-3%, M?-7%,SLM?-12%,LM?-19%,SGO?-28%,GO?-39%。
淡点污棉比照白棉按降1个级处理,即SM LIGHT SPOTTED按M级计算差价;点污棉比照白棉按降2个级处理,即SM SPOTTED按SLM级计算差价;淡黄染棉比照白棉按降3级处理,即SM TINGED按LM级计算差价;黄染棉比照白棉按降4级处理,即SM YELLOW STAINED按SGO计算差价。CIQ出具的证书内只注明LIGHT SPOTTED或SPOTTED或TINGED或YELLOW STAINED。
Light spotted cotton is regarded as one grade inferior with reference to white cotton, i.e., the price deduction of SM LIGHT SPOTTED shall be calculated based on M Grade; spotted cotton is regarded as two grades inferior with reference to white cotton, i.e., the price deduction of SM SPOTTED shall be calculated based on SLM Grade; light tinged cotton is regarded as three grades inferior with reference to white cotton, i.e., the price deduction of SM TINGED shall be calculated based on LM Grade; and yellow stained cotton is regarded as four grades inferior with reference to white cotton, i.e., the price deduction of SM YELLOW STAINED shall be calculated based on SGO Grade. Only LIGHT SPOTTED, SPOTTED, TINGED or YELLOW STAINED will be specified in the certificate issued by CIQ.
8.1.2Contract by Type
检验结果低于小样??????????? 扣减幅度(%)
Inspection outcome is less than the sample??Deduction (%)
?? 1个级 Grade????????????-3.75
?? 2个级 Grades????????????-9
?? 3个级 Grades????????????-15.5
?? 4个级 Grades????????????-23
8.2?Inferior Staple Deduction
8.2.1 The Contract staple is 1-1/32 inches and longer:
检验结果低于合同长度(英寸)????????? 扣减幅度(%)
Inspection outcome is less than contract staple (inch)? Deduction (%)
3/16???????????????? -17
8.2.2? 合同长度在1英寸及以下的:
8.2.2? The Contract staple is one inch and shorter:[page]
检验结果低于合同长度(英寸)?????????? 扣减幅度(%)
Inspection outcome is less than contract staple (inch)?? Deduction (%)
3/32?????????????????? -5
8.3? Micronaire Variance
8.3.1?No deduction for a micronaire variance within the range of 3.5-4.9; and the price deduction shall be as follows for the micronaire exceeding the said range:
仪器测试值?????????? 扣减幅度(%)
Tested Value????????? Deduction(%)
5.3及以上 5.3 and above???? -2
5.0-5.2???????????? -1
2.9及以下 2.9 and less????? -8
8.3.2 With respect to the contract that provides the minimum micronaire, the price deduction shall be as follows if the minimum value is not met:
Value tested less than the minimum value Deduction (%)
????0.1?????????????? -0.5
????0.2?????????????? -1.0
????0.3?????????????? -2.0
????0.4?????????????? -3.0
????0.5?????????????? -4.0
????0.6?????????????? -5.0
Based on the foregoing, for each 0.1 micronaire value less than the minimum, the deduction shall increase 1%.
8.3.3?With respect to the contract that provides the maximum micronaire, the price deduction shall be as follows if the maximum value is exceeded:
仪器测试值超过最大值????????? 扣减幅度(%)
Value tested more than the maximum value?Deduction (%)
如此类推,马克隆值每高0.1, 扣减幅度增加1%。
Based on the foregoing, for each 0.1 micronaire value more than the maximum, the deduction shall increase 1%.
8.4?Strength Variance
In terms of a contract that provides the minimum strength, the price difference shall be set forth below if it fails to reach the minimum strength:
Value tested less than the minimum value? Deduction (%)
比6.0还低的,每低1克/特克斯, 扣减幅度增加4%。
If less than 6.0, for each gram/tex lowered, the deduction is 4%.
9Price Deduction for Long-staple Cotton Inferior Quality Grade (% of the contract unit price)
Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, the provisions hereinafter shall apply:
9.1?Price Deduction due to Inferior Quality Grade (in accordance with the long staple cotton grade provided in USDA universal standards):
1级--, 2级 –3%, 3级?-7%, 4级?-12%, 5级?-19%, 6级?-28%。
Grade1--, Grade 2 –3%, Grade 3?-7%, Grade 4?-12%, Grade 5?-19%, Grade 6?-28%。
9.2 Inferior Staple Deduction
Inspection outcome is less than contract staple (inch)? Deduction (%)
???? 1/8????????????????-10%
???? 3/16??????????????? -17%
9.3 Micronaire Variance
As per Upland cotton.
9.4 Strength Variance
As per Upland cotton
10 违约索赔
10?Contract Settlement Differences
10.1 延迟装运
10.1 Delay of Shipment
If the cotton fails to be shipped as scheduled due to the Seller’s reasons, the Seller shall pay the Buyer a delayed delivery fee equivalent to 1.25% of the value of the commodity for the delay incurred in the contracted latest shipment date from the eleventh day after the month the cotton was due to be shipped.
If the cotton fails to be shipped as scheduled due to the Buyer’s reasons, the Buyer shall compensate the Seller carrying charges equivalent to 1.25% of the value of the commodity for the delay incurred in the contracted latest shipment date from the eleventh day after the month the cotton was due to be shipped. [page]
If the cotton fails to be shipped within 45 days after the contracted latest shipment date as provided by the Contract due to the reasons attributable to either Party, the other Party is entitled to terminate the Contract and the breaching Party shall be liable for such termination of Contract.
10.2?Weight Differences
If the difference between the CIQ landed weight and the contract weight is within the contract tolerance weight, payment shall be settled at the contract price. The Buyer is entitled not to accept the part exceeding the contract tolerance weight and the Buyer shall be compensated at 15% of the value (calculated at the Contract price) of the short part.
10.3?Quality Differences
出现下列质量不符行为, 根据CIQ提供的有关证明,卖方应做如下赔偿:
The Seller shall make compensations provided as follows for any quality differences set forth below with relevant certificate provided by CIQ:
10.3.1?对合同规定品级、长度与到岸检验品级、长度相差1个级的棉包, 则按上述8.1、8.2条款规定的差价率补偿。
10.3.1?In terms of the delivered bales of which the grade and staple for inspection are one grade inferior than the grade and staple provided by the Contract, compensations at the deduction rate provided in the foregoing Article 8.1 and Article 8.2 shall be made.
10.3.2?If more than 5% of the landed shipment are bales two grades inferior to the contract grade in terms of quality and staple, then in addition to price deduction compensations as in Articles 8.1 and 8.2, the Buyer shall be given extra liquidated damages equivalent to 20% of the contract value of the total defective bales.
10.3.3?对商检后棉花级别低于合同规定级别3个级及以上的棉包、欺诈棉包和混杂棉包, 买方可选择:A.退货,卖方除退还全额货款外还要按这些问题棉包合同金额的50%作为违约金赔偿给买方,并承担退货费用;B. 按上述8.1、8.2条款规定的差价率补偿,并按问题棉包合同金额的50%作为违约金赔偿给买方。
10.3.3?In terms of a bale of cotton of which the quality, upon CIQ inspection, is 3 or more than 3 grades inferior to the grade agreed in the Contract, false packed bales and mixed packed bales, the Buyer may choose to: A. return the bales, in which case the Seller shall pay the Buyer liquidated damages equivalent to 50% of the contract value of the problematic bales in addition to the full refund of purchase payment as well as the expenses arising from return of bales; or B. have price deduction compensations as provided in the foregoing Articles 8.1 and 8.2, in which case the Seller shall pay the Buyer extra liquidated damages equivalent to 50% of the contract value of the problematic bales.
11 索赔期限
11?Term of Claim
Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, claims for noncompliance with the weight or quality provisions shall be made to the other party within 70 calendar days after the last day of landing or its release from a bonded zone. The term of claim of problematic bales shall be dealt with Article 12 below.
12 有问题棉包的处理
12?Disposal of Problematic Bales
买方须在棉花到港后 6 个月之内对欺诈棉包、 混杂棉包等问题棉包提出索赔。索赔提出后棉包须另外分开存放 56 天以供卖方核查,逾期视为卖方接受索赔。卖方同意支付买方处置棉包使之恢复使用价值所需的合理费用。
The Buyer shall make claims in terms of false packed bales, mixed packed bales or other problematic bales within 6 months after the cotton arrives at the port. The bales against which the claims are made shall be stored separately for 56 days for the purposes of the Seller’s inspection, and the Seller shall be deemed to accept the claims if the Seller delays the said inspection. The Seller agrees to pay the Buyer the reasonable expenses for the disposition of the bales so as to restore the use value of the same.
13 Rate
13.1?Inspection Expense
13.1.1?The Seller shall bear the weight inspection expense at the rate of USD 50 cents per bale. In terms of moisture regain inspection, the Seller shall bear the sampling expense not approved at the rate of USD 80 cents per sample and the moisture testing expense at the rate of USD$2 per sample, in addition.
13.1.2?The Buyer shall bear the quality inspection expense at the rate of USD1 per bale. In the event of inferior grade, the same rate shall apply to the Seller.
13.2?Expense for Insects Fumigation
The cotton delivered by the Seller shall not contain any damage by disease or insect subject to national quarantine. When the CIQ conducts the fumigation in accordance with the national quarantine provisions after the cotton is delivered to pier, the various expenses arising from the fumigation shall be borne by the Seller.
14 合同的终止
14?Termination of the Contract
Unless otherwise provided herein, the Contract may be terminated in any of the following events:
A The Parties hereto reach an agreement in writing; or
B In the event a Party fails to perform its obligations to a material or substantial extent within any of the shipping periods provided by the Contract due to the reasons fully attributable to such Party and where such Party fails to eliminate the breach or take any remedial measures within 30 days after the receipt of the written notice from the non-breaching Party, the non-breaching Party shall be entitled to close out the Contract and subsequent thereto provide a written notice to the other Party.
The termination of the Contract shall not affect any right of the Party taking such action, including, but not limited to, the right of claiming compensation for losses incurred in the termination of the Contract.
15?Any quotation of trade terms (such as CIF, FOB and CFR) shall be deemed as the quotation of the relevant term under the 2000 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS).
16?本合同应适用«联合国国际货物销售合同公约»(CISG,即1980维也纳公约,the 1980 Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)。
16 This Contract is subject to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”, namely 1980 Vienna Convention - the 1980 Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods).
17 不可抗力
17?Force Majeure
If either Party to the Contract is unable to perform or delays the performance of the obligations of the Contract, partially or entirely, due to reasons of war, serious fire, earthquake, embargo, strike, mutiny, riot or any other event that the parties are unable to control and is reasonably unforeseeable, unavoidable and unconquered at the time of signing the Contract, such Party hereto shall not be liable. However, the Party of which the performance is affected by the force majeure event shall notify the other Party at the time of the occurrence of the said event and shall provide evidence of such event in the form of a certificate or document issued by relevant local governmental agencies, or local trade union where the force majeure event occurs for the other Party no later than 14 days after the occurrence of the said event. In China, the institute that issues such certificate shall be the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.
If a force majeure event lasts more than [60] days, the Parties hereto may negotiate whether to perform or terminate the Contract. If both Parties fail to reach an agreement within [90] days after the force majeure occurs, either Party may terminate the Contract. If the Contract is terminated, either Party shall bear the expenses on its own and shall not claim any compensations arising from the termination of the Contract against the other Party.
18 Arbitration: If the parties select CIETAC arbitration, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration rules effective as of the time of application.?
19 Applicable language: This contract is written in Chinese and English. The Chinese version and English version have equivalent legal effect.[page]

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